WAGNER Contractor Service
Service & consulting for contractors
WAGNER has a extensive service and partner network throughout Germany, Europe and the world. In this service section, you will find everything that gives you genuine added value and that you may not be able to find elsewhere. You'll soon see just what our service package offers!
If unexpected problems occur then our sales and service staff are naturally always there for you. Our retailers are an integral part of our service package and are always able to give you professional advice.
Our services at a glance

Technical Support
Our experts will help you with all questions concerning the application of your contractor device.
+44 1327 368410

Download Center
Find the right operating manuals for your device. From the piston pump, diaphragm pump, TempSpray and screw pump to our XVLP and HVLP devices.

Professional guarantee 3+2 years
Benefit from a 5-year manufacturer's guarantee instead of 3. Because we are convinced of the quality of our products, we are offering you a unique guarantee extension.

PaintTech Training Academy Courses
If you are interested in learning the correct way to spray paint, attending a professional training course is a great place to start. We have teamed up with PaintTech to offer training courses from beginners to advanced users.

WAGNER Sprayguide
Here you can learn how to adjust your tool to the used material and which colors and paints are most suitable to be applied with your WAGNER model.

E-learning for professionals
Your next project! Learn important tips & tricks about paint spraying and your professional sprayer for optimal handling and a perfect spraying result in our "Online Profi Guide". The online training takes about 30 minutes.
Service Points for Contractor
Search for the next service station in your area in this map.